What you need to know about sun protection
What’s in your skincare wardrobe?
It feels like there is such an emphasis on your clothes wardrobe, but what about your skincare wardrobe. Which products are essential “basics” you should not do without? Which do you wear on different skin days? And which are the equivalent of fast fashion cheap, disposable and not living up to expectations?
During Lockdown 3.0 I want to take some time to educate my lovely clients about their home skincare regime. Perhaps this is something you have discussed with me before, or perhaps not.
The majority of my clients who come to see me get anti-wrinkle injections, and sometimes I feel like this is a bit of a cheat, a wonderful cheat, but a cheat none the less. Some skincare specialists are not keen on anti-wrinkle injections, because it has the ability to completely eradicate lines and wrinkles within a few days, something that is inconceivable with daily skincare, but also sometimes that does not address skin quality or ageing. Just because it works so quickly and effectively, it doesn’t give us permission to neglect our skincare regime.
Not all lines and wrinkles can be addressed with anti-wrinkle injections, however, and while skincare doesn’t have that instant gratification of anti-wrinkle injections, I can absolutely guarantee you the right regime will slow down the skin ageing process, reduce fine line and wrinkle development, prevent blemishes, acne, pigmentation, dryness, rosacea and will give you better skin quality.
With that in mind, in my upcoming newsletters I am going to address some basic questions and share with you my expertise and knowledge to allow you make better decisions when investing in your “skincare wardrobe”.
Some of the topics I’ll be talking about are:
What should I look for in SPF, am I using the right one? Am I using it properly?
Integrating Retinols into your skincare, how to use and which one is right for me?
Vitamin C, the third essential ingredient in any anti-ageing skincare regime.
I’ll be discussing active ingredients. Which active ingredients you should be looking for in your skincare if you suffer from pigmentation, acne, rosacea, skin dryness and other skin problems.
It is also important to be aware of beauty versus skincare brands, prescription versus over-the-counter skincare, and the potential risks of buying online. Being aware from whom you take your advice, well-intentioned misinformation being shared on social media by untrained individuals.
I invite you to look into your skincare wardrobe and see whats missing from your regime, and while there is no one size fits all, hopefully you can still gain some insight for what might be right for you. And for those of you who are applying supermarket skincare, quick get rid of it before I find out
Dr Maeve Barry